Thursday 21 September 2017


It is with sadness that we have learned about the passing of a youngster at the hands of his fellow pupils at a local #school on the East Rand of Johannesburg.  His death is attributed to the unfortunate growth of #bullying at our schools. What role do #parents play when it comes to preventing, managing and minimising the impact of this act on other members of society?  Some parents are in denial and defensive when it is discussed with them as their child’s involvement with their conduct of bullying at school.  It is also possible that they themselves were and are still esteemed bullies.  Bad habits are hard to relinquish.   
#Cyber bullying is also on the increase, but perpetrators are no longer able to hide due to the advancements in technology.  Smart phone technology has provided a gate-way for cyber bullying including other forms of online channels.
As we know bullying is not restricted to youngsters.  #Corporate bullying has over the years also delivered undesirable outcomes, because it is not reported or well documented to ensure proper action.

In some #communities bullying was never addressed as an unacceptable behaviour treat.  This led to subconscious and unspoken acceptance as part of the norm and local culture.  Only recently have we witnessed more parents reporting, protecting and tacking action to minimise bullying, which affects their children.  It can also be traced back to the #babyboomers generation and generations before them in history. 

Wednesday 9 August 2017

#action your #goals...

Having a #plan of #action to achieve your #goals…


Friday 4 August 2017

Content Heavy #Billboards

Normally, billboards forms part of an integrated communications solutions for well deliberated campaigns and projects.  A #billboard on its own is not always effective if your objectives are to bring about change, create increased awareness of your brand/product or influence consumers to take action.  

One still find billboards next to our national and suburban roads, which are content heavy and readability is a challenge.  These content heavy billboards are not just ineffective; they also present a safety risk for motorists who are trying to read these messages.  In the end , motorist are the ones being targeted while driving, but unfortunately the outcomes are missed opportunities and distortion of your brand just to name a couple…

A #cold rating is awarded for content heavy billboards in this age of digitalisation and the ongoing quest to appeal to consumer amongst all the clutter and replacement brands available.


Sunday 30 July 2017

I want it all...and I want it now..!

I want it all…and I want it now…
Yes, there is a #millennial inside all of us and have even there for some time.  The only difference is more recently these qualities, characteristics, behaviour, aspirations and ideals of this generation are well recorded and even promoted as unique, current and relevant.  It goes as far as millennial-preneurs, spokespeople and specialist agents to fight, defend, enhance heightened awareness and advocates for the cause of this uniquely positioned #segment of the market.  The reference to segment is purely, based on the similarities and distinct qualities of this grouping based on the data to support their position and prominence.  There are some who definitely don’t like the label, tag or classification.  They are the salmon amongst this audience that fights hard to ensure they maintain their #unique identity and are not comfortable with the label and packaging attached to them, as individuals.

Being surrounded by #millennials almost daily the undeniable observation is how important this cause for them is with regards to be better understood, to be respected, to be loyal to only themselves, to support a movements that are socially responsible, not to purchase expensive assets and to be heard as a generation of influences.

Conferences, media coverage/reports and the all-important social media channels have provided more airtime, space, attention and awareness on the subject of millennials. This is becoming an even more unavoidable reality for many. The questions most corporates are faced with are:
  • ·         How are we going to attract millennials and appeal to them?
  • ·         How will be able to #retain them and create an environment where they experience a sense of a belonging within an established corporate culture?
  • ·         How will we deal with the loyalty aspect; because gone are the days where people work for an organisation for 20 years and more?
  • ·         How do we review our retention/lock-in mechanisms of shares and profit sharing to ensure we subscribe to the needs as expressed by this generation?
  • ·         Will we be able to ensure appropriate or acceptable level of millennial #integration into our environment without alienating the new players and/or the existing players who have been around for years?
  • ·         Is our #leadership able and ready to engage, deal, converse and hold a sober argument with a generation of future leaders who are keen to challenge the status quo and push their agenda of wanting to being heard?
  • ·         What about my own lack of understanding, fears and insecurities of how best to acclimatise with millennials?

There might be more questions in circulation but these are just a few to illustrate the conversations most forward thinking organisations are having with regards to employing millennials in their environments.  Recently during a routine daily engagement with millennials we discussed the various social media platforms and their effectiveness.  #LinkedIn was identified by most of them as the least appealing and not aligned to their needs.  Its current format, approach and content speak to the usual suspects/decision-makers/leaders and not enough is being done to engage more attentively with millennials, they felt.  Interesting observations and sentiments as expressed by these future leaders, because it has not been my experience or understanding.  It might be because of my non thorough bred millennial status.

In reality, one can safely say that some and all of the qualities, behaviours, beliefs and aspirations as expressed by millennials are not unique or distinctive, because they have been around and present even in generations before them.  The only difference is how it is now being packaged, presented and approached.  In the end it’s not what you do, but how you do it with millennials.  The “How” factor!

“I am not my parents”. 

Allow your inner millennial to escape the closet and have a hashtag journey filled with new and exciting experiences for the open minded…


Friday 7 July 2017

#BellPottinger gives Public Relations Practioners and #ReputationManagement Specialists' a bad name...

#BellPottinger gives #PublicRelations Practioners and #ReputationManagement Specialists’ a bad name…!  Their apartheid inspired campaign, orchestrated to divert attention from the #Guptas is nauseating, desperate and unforgiving…An apology is not enough; donate all your money from the account received (#gupta) towards worthy causes aimed at social cohession in #rsa. Bad boys; hashtag cold rating…#cold

Tuesday 4 July 2017

#sharingpassion...Print #media in full colour..

It’s amazing how things have changed for the better as far giving more colour and texture to a medium, which some believed a decade ago, that its dominance exceeded the proverbial sell by date with the end near in sight…in case you were wondering it’s the future of print media.  Back in the days, page two in most newspapers were in black-and-white.  Never understood the logic and the rationale behind it…Today page two have been promoted to be aligned with the rest of the newspapers’ colour tone. So what does mean?  Is it an attempt to ensure print media (newspapers) appeals to a new colourful and demanding generation or is purely a sign of positive change and developments in the industry?

Hashtag cool rating is awarded to the Sunday Times with its revitalised layout and paper quality.  Huge improvement!  It enhances the readability, logical flow, the sections better emphasised/attention grabbing and the quality of the paper do justice to the overall renewal exercise.  Well done to the publishers and team responsible…#cool


Friday 30 June 2017


And I would argue the second greatest force in the universe is ownership. 

Chris Chocola 

Wednesday 28 June 2017

#didyouknow..? #capitec bank is the best bank in the world

Did You Know...?

Lafferty International Banking Advisory Group rated #Capitec Bank the best bank in the world in their annual Bank Quality Rankings.  Second consecutive win for the #Stellenbosch based #retail bank.  They achieved a five-star rating according to the findings, during which 100 banks were reviewed from 32 countries. 

The London based advisory group rated the banks on the following criteria:
·         Management Quality
·         Strategy
·         Purpose and Actions
·         Execution Ability
·         Technology Preparedness
·         Innovation Capacity
·         Organisational Culture and
·         A series of demanding financial yardsticks such as ROA, cash ratios etc.

Congratulations, #cool and well done to #Capitec with yet another award-winning recognition for the new kid on the block.  “Stay in your lane”


Friday 23 June 2017


#brandhumility – revisiting the essence of what is important to people/planet - to care, to grow with your stakeholders, to provide, to engage/stay close, to listen and understand, without hearing, to share and to keep your narrative/intensions alive and not deviate from what set you apart from others. Stay in your lane.


Tuesday 20 June 2017

What #Outsurance should have done…

Instead of saying; without us making any excuses; a junior employee posted the commercial without proper consultation.  Irrespective of who did the ad posting; it was produced.  They should have taken full responsibility and own up to the unhappiness as expressed by the public.  The story about how transformed they are should have been obvious in all their previous communication and engagements.  To try and justify at this stage; is unfortunately too late and just adding more fuel to the fire…most importantly thing they did not consider was: “How can we change this negative into a positive? How about asking the public to come up with a replacement or future ad, which is more reflective of the demographics of our country…

To conclude:
  • ·         Take responsibility
  • ·         Apologise authentically
  • ·         Demonstrate and show commitment that there will not be similar incidents in future as a non-negotiable
  • ·         Use the opportunity to change the negative into a positive and
  • ·         Finally, keep your narrative alive, positive and thought provoking outside the crisis situation


Monday 19 June 2017

What is a #brand...?

A #brand is a promise delivered, which has been fabricated over time and kept honest, agile, relevant, aspirational, current, approachable, inspirational and ever evolving…successful brands create memorable and lasting hashtag moments…
                                                                                                                           Brand Whisperer

Tuesday 13 June 2017

#Leaking information the new #trend


#cool rating for #SABMiller

#SABMiller most definitely deserve a #cool rating for their latest offering in the form of a six-pack beer package.  But, not just ordinary beer, its beer, which have been sourced from other #African countries. This is a brilliant idea to offer visitors and locals in #RSA, with an experience of what our top producing African beer taste like…#excellent idea and initiative,,,

Saturday 10 June 2017

#didyouknow....#brand reflection

Did you know?

The #brand that you admire, respect and aspire reflects your values, character and the things you view as important…
Brand Whisperer


Twenty four seven...brand monitoring


Gone are the days where people are placed on hold for 15 minutes and more at call centres…Especially, when you want to log a complaint or enquire about a faulty product with a particular #brand…more than ever, have seen the power, influence and speed at which, people simply just go #social with their unresolved issues and the implications on that brands’ #reputation is widely distributed and discussed with unpleasant comments and remarks in this age of relevance, currentness, agility and speed to respond and engage with your #customers…

Twenty-four-seven is not a song, but a reality…

Sunday 4 June 2017

#Justathought...@agility of your #brand

There are so many replacement #brands on the market…due to globalisation, immediacy, web purchasing and the growth of social media, which opened new markets for a number of brands…

How agile is your brand to remain current, relevant, aspirational, inspirational and able to secure on-going #loyalty and support for your brand beyond the here and now…?

Wednesday 24 May 2017

#Manchester city people united in solidarity against extremist

The people of #Manchester stood united against the devastation after the explosion in the city a few days ago.  Solidarity, defiant and determined not to allow this recent event to impact on their daily lives. It is with sadness that we have witness the loss of so many innocent lives who have been robbed of their future because of extremist individuals and groups.  Their actions can only be described as #cold…

Sunday 21 May 2017

#saywhat...the current state of #socialmedia on the #youth mind


Status of Mind surveyed 1 479 people aged 14-34 and their findings outlined the impact some social media platforms have on the mental health and nature of the youths’ mind.  According to the survey, #Instagram has negative implications on the manner, which young people sleep, their body image and their fear of missing out…#YouTube received the most positive responses from the participants in the #survey. 

Some of the recommendations by industry experts include more warning notifications against excessive use of #socialmedia and also available channels to access to request help by sufferers.  Another industry expert is of the opinion that social media is more #addictive than cigarettes and alcohol…

The #youth are in addition inclined to share their inner feelings online than in person with people in their immediate surroundings and traditional #networks.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

#cool rating awarded for the advancement of #tourism in #kenya and #sedgefield...

Hashtag cool rating - #cool is awarded to the country of #kenya who is providing discounts to foreign tourist to stimulate visitor numbers and provide them with greater value.  A #cool rating is also awarded to #sedgefield tourism who wants to capitalise on the visitors to the garden route area.  They are attempting to ensure that visitors to the region stop and experience what the town has to offer instead of just drive through on route to other attractions in the area.  Hopefully they can also leverage the fact that the new #misssa is from #sedgefield.

Monday 15 May 2017

Speak to me Don’t Speak at me…I’m an influencer, loyal to only me…

This is exactly how the Youth of today feel especially millennials.  The recent Sunday Times Generation Next survey, painted an unexpected picture, which is a departure away from the expected and usual suspects. Who would have thought that #Toyota will not be rated in the top five coolest car brands?  Instead the respondents raised the aspirational bar and included brands like #RangeRover (ranked 4th) and #Jaguar (ranked 5th).  These brands are no longer reserved for the metropolitan and affluent areas, but visible in their immediate surroundings and areas where they converge.

#Nike as we know is the overall coolest brand according to the results; with #Samsung in a surprise third position.  BMW is fifth in this category as the only motor vehicle brand, but second in its own category.  Interesting! #CellC has done well with their second position in the telco providers section.  Impressive, especially if one cast your memory back to how this section was dominated by the two big mobile providers and the legacy of the #Telkom brand.

#Wits was ranked fourth overall in the university section by the respondents; they feel that #UCT is the coolest amongst the tertiary institutions. The picture will be different for the adult market as seen previously in other studies. Generation Next are keen readers and lovers of #DailySun as their coolest daily newspaper of choice.  Again, unexpected and mirrors the findings of the adult studies.  They probably access the publication via their parents who are keen readers and loyal daily consumers.

Despite his controversy, #ChrisBrown was rated second coolest in the international celebrity section. #Ronaldo took the top spot in this category.  #TrevorNoah is their local male celebrity of choice as the coolest and #Lira is in fifth position in the local female celebrity category as outlined in the findings.  A new comer to the shopping malls section is #mallofafrica in second position and #Rosebank was rated fifth coolest mall.

The reality TV shows section was made up of four pay-channel programmes, which is an indication that more people are able to afford #DSTV compared to a decade ago. Only #SAGotTalent was mentioned in this category which is broadcasted on #ETV.  They were ranked fourth coolest reality TV show.  The respondents still believe #SAA is the coolest airline and ranked them as their airline of choice.

Favourite soaps were also interesting with the new comers making their presence felt.  #Uzalo was rated the coolest and #7delaan ranked fourth in this category.

Brands who still underestimate the influence, buying-power, flexible loyalty and highly educated Youth market will realise their importance on their bottom line when they fall out of favour with this segment of the market. Also, the impact of social media with regards to whether your brand is hip, cool, relevant, current, worth sharing and able to appeal and connect with me in a language that I understand, tolerate and accept.  Speak to me and not at me…we create hashtag moments!


Sunday 7 May 2017

Hashtag cool rating for #Vodacom

Impressive, refreshing and emotive are just some of the words to describe the new #vodacom commercial.  The #voicenavigation function, which guide the blind old man, definitely deserves a #cool rating.  Ama-hashtag team #vodacom…just like that!

Sunday 30 April 2017



#chickenlicken deserves a #cool rating

#chickenlicken has really invested in the commercials over the years and deserve a #cool rating.  Its big budget campaigns, creatively innovative and able to resonate with the audience.  Another big plus for them is the fact that their commercials are memorable, high recall value and able to differentiate them from their competitors.  Congratulations and well done to the Team at #chickenlicken.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

The Agility of Your #Brand

Media as we know it today, is more fragmented than a decade ago. It is becoming increasingly challenging for brands to ensure their messages and narrative are kept alive and able to reach all their identified stakeholders.  The phenomenal growth of social media is also adding to the pressure, because brands are faced with new challenges of relevance, aspiration, appeal, retention, currentness and the ability to engage with an audience, which is empowered for choice. The question is what do you do to ensure your brand does not fall by the way side. 

Content is king!  Is your brand confident enough to hold its own in world where everyone is a critic, a user, an expert and have their own unique ideas, wants and needs.  It requires deeper and ongoing understanding of what the consumer or customer expects from your brand.  The traditional channels of engagement are no longer sufficient.  #Research once a year is a thing of the past.

Campaigns should be less rigid and dogmatic.  The environment is no longer static and long-term friendly.  Your brand, campaigns and interventions should be more agile, flexible and able to respond aligned to market conditions and expectations.  Playing catch-up will be to your determent, because by the time you arrive at the particular point, the market as moved on already.  It’s no longer business and usual.  The environment requires a 24/7 awareness approach, global mindset/appreciation and able to deliver yesterday. 

So how do you approach this new dynamic world of brand management.  Empower all your employees to be active, committed, engaged and solutions driven advocates. The liquidity of your brand will determine your ability to stay top of mind and ahead of the game.  Quicker turn-around times, but most importantly do not compromise the essence of your brand and the principles of brand, marketing and communication. No re-invention, just enhancements and an eye on the ball, always. Collaboration, ownership, leadership and willingness to adapt the changing environment. Your brand is no longer what you think it is, it is what your stakeholders say and experience as their reality. Make their reality a positive, memorable and inspirational one; benefiting all who have an interest and relationship with your brand.

Be brave and create those hashtag moments…

Be brave and create those hashtag moments…

Sunday 9 April 2017

#cold rating awarded to the #junkstatus or #scarpyard status of the #southafrican economic landscape

Hashtag cold (#cold) rating is ominously assigned to the #junkstatus or #scrapyard status, which has been awarded to the #southafrican economic landscape.  This unfavorable position will have dire long-term implications for the ordinary person on the street with current and future investors losing their appetite to even consider investing in this country.  Not only has it created a somber mood among the citizens of the country it also inspired them to stand up and be counted to ensure the country’s #democracy is alive and well.  Democracy is more than a wish-list, but a reality.

Monday 27 March 2017


Did You Know…?

#Carlingblacklabel received the most reactions/likes from their posts whereby they congratulate #Keizerchiefs on winning the Carling Black Label Cup….They received the Top Post spot as a result of their engagement with the public… this is according to #whysatisfy in their  recent state-of-social-media in South Africa, 2016 findings.

Friday 24 March 2017


It’s amazing how many company’s during #crisis time boast how they are involved with community upliftment initiatives.  It’s too late then…consumers and citizens are far more educated and informed.  Keep your narrative alive outside the crisis window and engage actively with all your stakeholders as a #reputation imperative…


Wednesday 22 March 2017

#cold rating for the #VW...#Vivo

The latest #VW, #Vivo commercial leaves one #cold.  A family celebrating their sons’ driver license passing.  They dance and celebrate like there is no tomorrow.  Next moment while the parents are still dancing the son calls them from behind his #Vivo steering wheel and drives off; leaving them behind. Who does something like that? Only words to describe it are uncool and disrespectful.


Tuesday 7 March 2017


Leadership is not a popularity contest…but there are times when your decisions relegate you into runner-up position…!

Monday 6 March 2017

#didyouknow...#lego the most powerful #brand in the world

Did you know…?

#lego is the world’s most powerful brand according to Brand Finance 2017 results.  This brand has been around for generations and appeals to both adults and kids; #nostalgia second to none. Working in their favour is the fact that their marketing is not gender based and they have a broad customer base.  #google was ranked second, with #nike in third position, #ferrari (4th) and #visa makes up the top five positions respectively.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

#cold rating awarded to #xenophobia

#cold rating is awarded to the act, support and encouragement of #xenophobia.  There is no place for such unwelcome, inhumane behaviour in societies of the modern globe today.  More specifically in my country as recently reported.  We are all migrants and travelers trying to make the best of what the world has to offer…let it be!