Tuesday 11 April 2017

The Agility of Your #Brand

Media as we know it today, is more fragmented than a decade ago. It is becoming increasingly challenging for brands to ensure their messages and narrative are kept alive and able to reach all their identified stakeholders.  The phenomenal growth of social media is also adding to the pressure, because brands are faced with new challenges of relevance, aspiration, appeal, retention, currentness and the ability to engage with an audience, which is empowered for choice. The question is what do you do to ensure your brand does not fall by the way side. 

Content is king!  Is your brand confident enough to hold its own in world where everyone is a critic, a user, an expert and have their own unique ideas, wants and needs.  It requires deeper and ongoing understanding of what the consumer or customer expects from your brand.  The traditional channels of engagement are no longer sufficient.  #Research once a year is a thing of the past.

Campaigns should be less rigid and dogmatic.  The environment is no longer static and long-term friendly.  Your brand, campaigns and interventions should be more agile, flexible and able to respond aligned to market conditions and expectations.  Playing catch-up will be to your determent, because by the time you arrive at the particular point, the market as moved on already.  It’s no longer business and usual.  The environment requires a 24/7 awareness approach, global mindset/appreciation and able to deliver yesterday. 

So how do you approach this new dynamic world of brand management.  Empower all your employees to be active, committed, engaged and solutions driven advocates. The liquidity of your brand will determine your ability to stay top of mind and ahead of the game.  Quicker turn-around times, but most importantly do not compromise the essence of your brand and the principles of brand, marketing and communication. No re-invention, just enhancements and an eye on the ball, always. Collaboration, ownership, leadership and willingness to adapt the changing environment. Your brand is no longer what you think it is, it is what your stakeholders say and experience as their reality. Make their reality a positive, memorable and inspirational one; benefiting all who have an interest and relationship with your brand.

Be brave and create those hashtag moments…

Be brave and create those hashtag moments…

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