Sunday 30 July 2017

I want it all...and I want it now..!

I want it all…and I want it now…
Yes, there is a #millennial inside all of us and have even there for some time.  The only difference is more recently these qualities, characteristics, behaviour, aspirations and ideals of this generation are well recorded and even promoted as unique, current and relevant.  It goes as far as millennial-preneurs, spokespeople and specialist agents to fight, defend, enhance heightened awareness and advocates for the cause of this uniquely positioned #segment of the market.  The reference to segment is purely, based on the similarities and distinct qualities of this grouping based on the data to support their position and prominence.  There are some who definitely don’t like the label, tag or classification.  They are the salmon amongst this audience that fights hard to ensure they maintain their #unique identity and are not comfortable with the label and packaging attached to them, as individuals.

Being surrounded by #millennials almost daily the undeniable observation is how important this cause for them is with regards to be better understood, to be respected, to be loyal to only themselves, to support a movements that are socially responsible, not to purchase expensive assets and to be heard as a generation of influences.

Conferences, media coverage/reports and the all-important social media channels have provided more airtime, space, attention and awareness on the subject of millennials. This is becoming an even more unavoidable reality for many. The questions most corporates are faced with are:
  • ·         How are we going to attract millennials and appeal to them?
  • ·         How will be able to #retain them and create an environment where they experience a sense of a belonging within an established corporate culture?
  • ·         How will we deal with the loyalty aspect; because gone are the days where people work for an organisation for 20 years and more?
  • ·         How do we review our retention/lock-in mechanisms of shares and profit sharing to ensure we subscribe to the needs as expressed by this generation?
  • ·         Will we be able to ensure appropriate or acceptable level of millennial #integration into our environment without alienating the new players and/or the existing players who have been around for years?
  • ·         Is our #leadership able and ready to engage, deal, converse and hold a sober argument with a generation of future leaders who are keen to challenge the status quo and push their agenda of wanting to being heard?
  • ·         What about my own lack of understanding, fears and insecurities of how best to acclimatise with millennials?

There might be more questions in circulation but these are just a few to illustrate the conversations most forward thinking organisations are having with regards to employing millennials in their environments.  Recently during a routine daily engagement with millennials we discussed the various social media platforms and their effectiveness.  #LinkedIn was identified by most of them as the least appealing and not aligned to their needs.  Its current format, approach and content speak to the usual suspects/decision-makers/leaders and not enough is being done to engage more attentively with millennials, they felt.  Interesting observations and sentiments as expressed by these future leaders, because it has not been my experience or understanding.  It might be because of my non thorough bred millennial status.

In reality, one can safely say that some and all of the qualities, behaviours, beliefs and aspirations as expressed by millennials are not unique or distinctive, because they have been around and present even in generations before them.  The only difference is how it is now being packaged, presented and approached.  In the end it’s not what you do, but how you do it with millennials.  The “How” factor!

“I am not my parents”. 

Allow your inner millennial to escape the closet and have a hashtag journey filled with new and exciting experiences for the open minded…


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