Saturday 31 December 2016

What is the health of your #brand in 2017...?

Gone are the days where brands used to create consumer needs.  Consumers today want more and they demand only the best.  Is your brand their preferred option of choice? Is your brand strong enough to adhere to these wants and demands (capacity)?

Because of these demands more brands will require protection from consumers…leading to a brand protection act...the consumer has become more powerful than ever.  This is also the time to consider collaboration with other brands and package more cleverly.  It’s not the size of your budget that will be a game changer, but your ability to influence, your creativity and brand relevance.  Are you able to keep up with the trends and demands of the market?  #Brandliquitity will become even more paramount.

Funky, fresh and new are #cool, but experience rule.  Don’t become a here today gone tomorrow brand.  Stay true to the essence of your brand but remain relevant.  A single-minded approach will sink your ship; your brand requires an integrated solution.  Incorporating Brand, Marketing and Communication interventions as a unit. Standalone efforts will leave you alone and at the back of the line. 

Data is king and expensive.  Will consumers engage with a brand that does not appeal to them?  The answer is no; and it will be reflected on your bottom line.  If you make a noise, they switch off and you lose your voice.  Simple as that!  A trend in 2016 come in the form of #insurance companies offering free airtime to arrange funerals.  It became so popular almost all of them are now offering free airtime; because of the demands of the market.

Again, there is no alternative to experience.  Make sure the composition of your teams includes both developed and developing talent.

Consumers today are educated and have access to more and bigger options.  Don’t allow your brand to be ridiculed and perceived to be desperate.  Your #reputation is crucial as your differentiator in this galaxy of noise and clutter. Allow your brand to rise above it all and lead the market.

Speak to all your stakeholders at once.  Customise your messaging to suit their requirements but don’t leave anyone in the dark.  Keep your message alive, not only during a crisis.  Be proactive, active and responsive.  Availability of your company representatives is not negotiable.  Make sure your employees are well trained and the #Ambassadors of your brand.  Empower them to own the brand and make it come alive at all touch points with the brand.  Partner with your stakeholders on this journey of #collaboration.

#Socialmedia are merely platforms/channels to engage and communicate.  Use it to your advantage and should not approached as the blueprint to your challenges and objectives.  Nothing replaces the basic principles and fundamentals of Brand, Marketing and Communication. 

We will also witness an increase of #socialmarketing initiatives.  Whereby consumers are educated and feel more involved with a brand, thereby enhancing loyalty and affinity. Consumers appreciate #socialmarketing interventions. Create that hashtag moment in 2017 and make a difference. 


Thursday 29 December 2016


Today I witnessed a moment of emancipation…I was paying for my items at a local convenience store and witnessed a young lady purchasing #condoms…two packs nogal.  It was not the number of packs she bought, but just the moment of realisation that this young lady is in control of her life and health-wellbeing, was a hashtag moment - #emancipation…the young lady deserves a #cool rating…it was #durex…

Wednesday 28 December 2016

#starwars #princesleia #cold rating

Capitalising on the death of someone to enhance the awareness and sales of your brand is cold, immature and short sighted…It is indeed the case of brand in the US, who have jumped on the death bandwagon when they produced an ad which was removed after a backlash from the market…
Carrie Fisher passed away on Tuesday at the age of 60; well known for her role as #PrincesLeia in #starwars…The death of Prince earlier this year had a similar opportunist…
The only rating suitable to be awarded is a #cold

Friday 23 December 2016

#socialmedia #editor

With the growth of social media everyone has become a journalist…we have witnessed how people have posted items & later regret what they have said & they want to recall their posting after a backlash…maybe it is time we learn to become our own editors & be more responsible when we post…

Monday 19 December 2016


Thank You….

We are requested daily to like a page or to share a posting…probably one of the biggest irritations ever.  Every now and again someone likes your page without any soliciting or special request.  This is the biggest compliment anyone can ask for when it occurs.  Thank you kindly for all your page likes in 2016 for Red Carpet Consulting…its appreciated with humility and gratitude...We can only grow from here. 

Excited, honoured, energised and looking forward to engaging with you in 2017. Hashtag thank you….

#2016 #cool and #cold experiences

2016 has been an interesting year for most of us.  We have witnessed some incredible events and milestones this year, which were memorable and worth mentioning.  There was the unpleasant experience at a car dealership (#cold) or excellent service at a retail store (#cool).  You might have seen an amazing ad on TV or heard on radio, which warmed your heart and you could relate (#cool).  And there were ads, which left you confused and not inspired (#cold).

Please share with us your #cool or #cold experience/s for 2016 as we end this year reflecting on what were our experiences worth sharing.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

#Personalbrand #Principles

2016 has been a challenging year for many.  This is the time of the year to reflect and take stock of the year that was, especially your professional career. 
Great opportunity to review the current state of your #PersonalBrand…you can only benefit from an exercise of this nature, to determine your readiness for 2017. 



Monday 28 November 2016


“If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you

David Brier

#tigerbrands. #cool. #doom.

#cool rating is awarded to #tigerbrands for their clever leveraging of the #doom frenzy that captured #southafrica. There has been an increase in advertising on their part; and so it should be.  Imagine a special note to consumers: “No humans were harmed during the filming of this commercial”.  “Keep out of reach of children and the curios”.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Two #cold ratings unfortunately...

It’s been a whole since we awarded a #cold rating to any brand.  The decision to award the rating has been reconsidered a few times.  But unfortunately, these two brands are really uncool. They will not be mentioned by name, just a brief description of what is portrayed in their commercials will provide you with a clue of who they are.  #brand one: a taxi scene where the driver and another passenger almost serenade to an occupant…”headache, headache, headache”, non-stop until he drinks a pill to dissolve the discomfort.  #brand two: forms part of a collage of scenes.  This particular scene is in a bus and the one boy screams through a cold drink can into the ear of another.  Two words comes to mind: bully and dangerous.  Again, difficult to see the humour or fun in that.  Definitely not #cool.  Sorry guys, but it leaves us #cold.

#Simba and #Mapha

#Simba has really come up with a warm, crispy and likeable commercial…they managed to incorporate all the right ingredients to achieve this #cool rating…well done to the team who made it possible. I think it’s called #Mapha.

Tuesday 15 November 2016


The “How” Factor

We normally start campaigns, interventions and engagements with good intentions and objections.  The reality is that not all these activities deliver the desired outcomes or results.  The “what” is clearly outlined and defined, but the “how” factor have become the tipping point when it comes to potential results on your implemented plans.  “How” incorporates when, by who, timeline etc.  It’s possible that not enough attention and time investment is allocated to the “how” in what we do.  Yet, it carries so much gravitas.

Just think of the following:

  • How are you planning to do this?
  • How did you managed to achieve that?
  • How amazing was that commercial?
  • How do you expect to pay for the entire campaign?
  • How will these challenges be resolved?
  • How will you incorporate an integrated Communication and Marketing plan to deliver on our strategic objectives?
  • How will you secure the buy-inn from all stakeholders?
  • How do you measure the success of your campaigns?
  • How often do you communicate with your stakeholders?
  • How are our competitors doing with their latest campaign?
  • How did the market respond to the latest negative publicity?
  • How you feeling today?
  • Etc…

It is clear the “how” factor cannot be ignored or down played.  Some ideas look good on paper but “how” it materialise is sometimes a challenge.


Thursday 10 November 2016

#Socialmarketing Initiatives

#SouthAfrica is currently experiencing severe #drought in most parts of the country.  Two #brands have stepped up to the challenge to educate #consumers on how they can assist to alleviate the #water crisis as experienced.  As champions of the cause, they are both rated as #cool for their efforts. 
#Colgate with their don’t let the water run while brushing your teeth and #sunlight handing out water tanks in our communities to help safe water.  Both these brands illustrate excellent #socialmarketing initiatives with their campaigns. Congratulations and well done.

Wednesday 2 November 2016


Did you see…?

There seems to be a new generation of bigger and bolder outdoor advertising structures.  They have emerged on the N1 between #Pretoria and Joburg#.  Shipping containers stacked together to create this massive space to promote your #brand and offering.  There is also the option similar to constructing a stage.  Squires of poles mounted together to create this new platform.  Is this the end of #gantries or are they the same role-players?

It has been reported that the City of Ekurhuleni is closing in on illegal billboards. About 3000 of these boards to be removed.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Refreshing #talkshow programmes on #sabc

My world has always been about saying the right things, doing the right thing, looking the part, script everything and don’t deviate.  All structured, planned and executed accordingly.  Still the case. It is refreshing to watch talk show programmes on #sabc that are entertaining, provide a sense of freedom and less staged. 
These programmes are current, real, tangible, minus the script and risky at times; but it works.  Less scripts, more current affairs with personal opinions on the spot and so #cool.  Three programmes comes to mind: #onthefly, #trendingsa and #largerthanlife. Well done for being so unique hence your #cool rating status. Happiness…!

Monday 17 October 2016

#Cool Brands

Latest #cool ratings are awarded to #virginmoney and #audiA3 for their memorable commercials. Supercool and different…Well done guys

Sunday 2 October 2016

#Brands 100 years in older in #SouthAfrica

Did you know…?

#cool rating awarded for these brands who have been around for the past 100 years and more in #SouthAfrica.  Congratulations is in order, including your #cool status for sustaining your brand presence this far.  They are: #Grandpa, #Nestle, #Shell, #Oreo, #BMW, #Cokebottle and #Levi’s501 just to name a few.  Well done to their teams for ensuring #brand relevance and liquidity…

Tuesday 27 September 2016


Just a thought…

Why is it important to revitalise your #brandlogo and corporate colours?  How important is it to the consumer?  Do they care about a fresh new look?  How about investing more money on employee training and development? Consider enhancing your customer experience? Your employees are your brand.  They bring the personality, the values, the vision, aspiration, the promise and ideals of the brand alive. Including its #reputation.  Ideally at all touch points, when consumers and other stakeholders engage with your brand…Look beyond the here and now of your #brandlogo.  It should have longevity to hold its own for generations to come…

Wednesday 21 September 2016

The future of #voice-messages

How many people you know, still leave a voice-message?  Do you listen to your voice-messages?  Are we seeing the gradual disappearance of this service?  People are more inclined to text instead of leaving a message…remember what happened to the standalone fax machine.

#Standardbank and their new image commercial..#cool rating

Just love the new #StandardBank image commercial.  High-tech, futuristic including the diverse human element.  Great balance of variables.  They definitely deserve a #cool rating for their final product. Well done to the #team.  There is movement forward.

Friday 27 May 2016

Is there a difference between #customerservice and #customerexperience

Is there a difference between #customerservice and #customerexperience…? A fellow marketing professional predicted the future of brands are #experiential.  Consumers buy into brands because of the experience and previous engagements with a particular brand.  Experiential Brands encapsulates all planned interventions and extend beyond #eventing and #exhibitions.  Everything about your brand should be experiential.  The approach has been around for as long as brands exist. You decide how much resources you are willing to invest. Commitment to sustain the approach and translation of the strategic importance of creating experiential engagements of the brand to all your employees.  Your brand is your license to operate, how you operate is your differentiator

Sunday 15 May 2016

Are @BrandAmbassadors a Reputational Risk?

#Brand Ambassadors must undergo intense training, monitoring and reminded about the risks of expressing their personal views and opinions on the various #socialmedia platforms. What might seem innocent and spontaneous can have long-term undesirable #reputational implications for your #brand…

Sunday 27 March 2016

#Cool Ad of the Month

Insurance companies are aggressive in their advertising and one almost feel obliged to invite them to your funeral as they consume our airwaves with vigor.  Probably the most difficult thing to avoid, especially if your dog conceals your remote.  My #cool ad for the month is most definitely the #1Lifedirect ad.  It comes across as a short film and we are invited on this journey of the young couple who eventually becomes a family.  No dialogue, only excellent cinematography and an uncluttered storyline.  Well done to the team…I actually look forward to the ad…it does wonders for your brand.

Changing #perceptions

Most #southafricans grew up in a single parent family structure and environment.  Some of the commercials today reinforce that image and unfortunate reality.  You see commercials on #TV with a mother, two kids and the father does not feature.  This is a great opportunity to change perceptions and the image of a single parent set-up.  #MarketingCommunication has always been successful in engaging with people to think, act, react and influence their views on social issues.

Society is progressing, are we?…time to be more relevant, current, change agents and clear in our #messaging…

Saturday 19 March 2016

Are you willing to risk the #reputation and #legacy of your brand?

The world of #brands, #marketing and #communication is governed by structure, systems, strategic plans and discipline. Don’t discard experience, skill and expertise. Most of us are able to drive a car, but not all trained to master an 18-weeler truck.

In an ideal world, brand plans include objectives to increase the profile, reputation, awareness, personality and admiration for a particular brand. They also want to reach new markets and dominate the sector in which they operate. In doing so, they normally consider various options.  Unfortunately celebrity #endorsements sometimes make it onto the list.  It looks cool, enabling, attractive, exclusive, right profile for the right audience and sustainable.

No contract is able to alter or keep human behaviour within the agreed parameters, deliverables or under control.  Unpredictable…Are you willing to risk the #reputation and #legacy of your brand, because it felt right at the time?  Rather consider the alternatives to achieve your stated objectives.

Friday 4 March 2016

External #communication and #publicrelations

Something to digest…What is the difference between external #communication and #publicrelations?  Is there a difference…?

Sunday 28 February 2016

Listen to your #television

Televisions are great sources for entertainment, education and current affair news.  Have you ever listened to the television without looking at the screen?  You will be amazed how much of the actual content you miss, because you trying so hard to interpret the voice, music and images on screen.  It’s actually refreshing…hence the importance of an integrated campaign…avoid a situation where your message gets lost.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

#cool and #cold brand ratings

We are inundated by #commercials daily.  Some #cool and the ones, which are not so great and they become #cold.  My favourite commercial at present is the #magnum ad; more so the music regarding what Lola wants.  It pulls you into Lola’s world and keep you engaged for the duration of the commercial…What is your #cool commercial at present and the one which deserves a #cold rating?

Wednesday 17 February 2016

50 Years of a #Sparkling Experience

Congratulations to #Appetiser in celebrating 50 years of imparting #consumers with a sparkling refreshing experience…

Thursday 11 February 2016


Who does belong 2? Is it an entity out of reach of the ordinary person on the street? Tell me what I need to do contribute

Thursday 4 February 2016

#cool and #cold brand ratings

#cool rating this week is awarded to #Suzuki Vitara for their brilliant, colourful and inspiring ad.  Not sure whether it is locally produced.

I don’t know the uncle’s #Duckworth-Lewis, but they always work against us during the cricket….They get the unopposed #cold rating for the week.  Why are you so hard on us?

Tuesday 2 February 2016

#Socialmedia = #Awarenessmedia?

Imagine converting all those Like’s, Sharing, Comments, gone Viral and Hits into actual sales for your brand/business or does #socialmedia only provide a platform to create awareness and support for the traditional channels of #Marketing and #Communication?

Friday 29 January 2016

Tuesday 5 January 2016


The biggest trend and phenomena for 2015 was probably the rise of #socialconsciousness, which led to the explosion of the local social media landscape. Who would have thought that a hashtag would be able to mobilise such large numbers of people for a common course.  A few characters on Twitter, is all it took to get people to express their views, took action and the results are unavoidable.  It was a first for #southafrica and this trend has the potential to continue in 2016. High impact minimal investment.

#Product placement in the past, was diligently policed, but recently it has almost become the norm for brands to use this method of communication in their campaigns.  Gone are the days when subtlety was at the order of the day.  Clever execution to avoid alienating the consumer, successful competitive advantage achieved and the ability to convey the planned messaging across to the target audience to change #perceptions sustainably. Always consider the essence, personality and values of the brand during engagements with your stakeholders.  Overt, desperate approach and lack of clarity, during product placement leads to alienation of your brand, irrespective of the target audience. This might be a trend to avoid in 2016.

There has been a noticeable increase in government advertising regarding various issues ranging from water preservation, electricity usage, health matters, road safety etc. This trend will continue in 2016 to create awareness of what government is doing for its #citizens.

#Insurance companies are still leading the way when it comes to advertising, including retail brands.  They (insurance companies) are now occupying prime time spots as well.  Gone are the days when they only occupied the timeslots during the quiet times on TV or low viewer’s figures, because people are already at work.  You are guaranteed to see an insurance ad during an ad break on TV throughout the day.  Their sms call to action initiative is an excellent tool to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns for the various products.  The trend for 2016 will see an increase in advertising, because of the competitive nature of this market.

2015 had pockets of excellence as far as some #ads were concerned.  These ads were able to speak to a diverse audience without trying too hard.  And there were the usual suspects where the content was factually incorrect, the use of characters, which were inappropriate and lack of cultural sensitivity in their messaging.  Unfortunately, we have witness an increase in the use of children in ads.  It works for some brands.

“It’s true, less will remain more and #quality will always enable the conversation…”
A car manufacturer re-introduced music from an ad they did a decade ago with so much success and brought back the nostalgia of that brand. If it works for your brand, why change it?

Some brands incorporated music from days gone by.  Mostly local #southafrican music from the late 80’s and 90’s.  The question is whether all your stakeholders are able to relate to the music, is very important.

The trend of celebrity product endorsement continued in 2015.  Let’s wait and see how this approach evolve in 2016.  So may risks with recorded tangible case studies, especially in the area of endorsements and the use of well-known personalities. 

Avoid the #socialmedia trend if your brand is not suitable for a specific channel or in the absence of skilled resources to manage the offering.  Continue to be creative, current, progressive, responsible, relevant, clear in your messaging and align your social media offering to your bigger strategic objectives.  These channels will continue to be channels and not the blue-print solution for your short term objectives.  We will see more #Apps developed in 2016 as an ongoing trend; let your App be the one, which people embrace and talk about.

Start your own trend in 2016!