Wednesday 3 January 2018

Millennial #Brand considerations for 2018

Is your brand #millennial savvy? 
What are you doing differently without compromising the #essence of your #brand? 
Have your considered whether your approach, texture, frequency and method of engagement might be dated and not able to #resonate with this segment of the market?
Review your #corporate culture in as far as readiness, inclusiveness, flexibility, change management and agility to adapt.
Consumer and Employee #Loyalty-Retention Programmes will become even more #unconventional and same-old-same-old can result in market share loss.
Ensure Relevance, ongoing and engaged Relationships, and clearly defined Returns, Reliability of your offering, and Recognisability (edge) of your brand as #influence enablers.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to become more than a #reputation driver but integral to the essence of your brand as a #differentiator.
Consistency, Alignment and Clarity of all your interventions across all platforms, more importantly social media is pivotal.
#Customisation and personalisation will become game-changers for your product and service offering.
At least a 70% increase with your online presence to ensure highest degree of competitiveness and sustainability. Become the# trend - remain the trend.
Advancements of #BusinessPlans to be more liquid, whereby its cycle reduced, to six months and’s all about agility, staying top of mind, ahead of the game and #relevance. 
Cities are already starting to compete to attract millennials, with #NewYork taking the lead! 
Remember value-add is not a buzz word, but a must for millennials...
Room for error and remedial action to address your brands unfavourable position will become even smaller...
#Collaboration, development and #design of offerings/solutions in conjunction with millennials will ensure unprecedented take-ups, support and endorsement of your brand.

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