Wednesday 10 January 2018

#H&M and their Reputational Monkey

#H&M is the latest #brand in conflict with the public as a result of their unfortunate insensitive print campaign, which offended people the globe over.  So when will an apology be enough or acceptable?  Or is this the type of transgression, which should not even occur?  Their sales might not be directly or immediately affected, but this will remain a monkey on their #reputational back.  We have seen how junior employees are being blamed for the posting of similar nature, in the past.  How is it possible for to happen, when there are supposed to be proper approval processes in place?  Are we now compromising governance principles to ensure we first to market?  And, at what cost?

Being #Cool does not imply also reflect badly on the industry and the specialist area of brand management and #communication!

Monday 8 January 2018

Most talked about speech at the #2018GoldenGlobes by #Oprah

The most talked about speech at the #GoldenGlobes2018. Why, mainly, because, it articulated all the topical and burning issues associated with the current narratives facing the world today.  This was not an impromptu speech...well rehearsed and strategic planned to ensure effectiveness and to bring about meaningful goes beyond the emotive element, it is intended to resonate with all the affected who can identify with the essence of its intent.  We all witnessed the end of an era and the renewed birth of hope, resilience, renewal, ownership, dignity, togetherness, equality, emancipation and Speaking the Truth.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Millennial #Brand considerations for 2018

Is your brand #millennial savvy? 
What are you doing differently without compromising the #essence of your #brand? 
Have your considered whether your approach, texture, frequency and method of engagement might be dated and not able to #resonate with this segment of the market?
Review your #corporate culture in as far as readiness, inclusiveness, flexibility, change management and agility to adapt.
Consumer and Employee #Loyalty-Retention Programmes will become even more #unconventional and same-old-same-old can result in market share loss.
Ensure Relevance, ongoing and engaged Relationships, and clearly defined Returns, Reliability of your offering, and Recognisability (edge) of your brand as #influence enablers.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to become more than a #reputation driver but integral to the essence of your brand as a #differentiator.
Consistency, Alignment and Clarity of all your interventions across all platforms, more importantly social media is pivotal.
#Customisation and personalisation will become game-changers for your product and service offering.
At least a 70% increase with your online presence to ensure highest degree of competitiveness and sustainability. Become the# trend - remain the trend.
Advancements of #BusinessPlans to be more liquid, whereby its cycle reduced, to six months and’s all about agility, staying top of mind, ahead of the game and #relevance. 
Cities are already starting to compete to attract millennials, with #NewYork taking the lead! 
Remember value-add is not a buzz word, but a must for millennials...
Room for error and remedial action to address your brands unfavourable position will become even smaller...
#Collaboration, development and #design of offerings/solutions in conjunction with millennials will ensure unprecedented take-ups, support and endorsement of your brand.

Thursday 21 September 2017


It is with sadness that we have learned about the passing of a youngster at the hands of his fellow pupils at a local #school on the East Rand of Johannesburg.  His death is attributed to the unfortunate growth of #bullying at our schools. What role do #parents play when it comes to preventing, managing and minimising the impact of this act on other members of society?  Some parents are in denial and defensive when it is discussed with them as their child’s involvement with their conduct of bullying at school.  It is also possible that they themselves were and are still esteemed bullies.  Bad habits are hard to relinquish.   
#Cyber bullying is also on the increase, but perpetrators are no longer able to hide due to the advancements in technology.  Smart phone technology has provided a gate-way for cyber bullying including other forms of online channels.
As we know bullying is not restricted to youngsters.  #Corporate bullying has over the years also delivered undesirable outcomes, because it is not reported or well documented to ensure proper action.

In some #communities bullying was never addressed as an unacceptable behaviour treat.  This led to subconscious and unspoken acceptance as part of the norm and local culture.  Only recently have we witnessed more parents reporting, protecting and tacking action to minimise bullying, which affects their children.  It can also be traced back to the #babyboomers generation and generations before them in history. 

Wednesday 9 August 2017

#action your #goals...

Having a #plan of #action to achieve your #goals…


Friday 4 August 2017

Content Heavy #Billboards

Normally, billboards forms part of an integrated communications solutions for well deliberated campaigns and projects.  A #billboard on its own is not always effective if your objectives are to bring about change, create increased awareness of your brand/product or influence consumers to take action.  

One still find billboards next to our national and suburban roads, which are content heavy and readability is a challenge.  These content heavy billboards are not just ineffective; they also present a safety risk for motorists who are trying to read these messages.  In the end , motorist are the ones being targeted while driving, but unfortunately the outcomes are missed opportunities and distortion of your brand just to name a couple…

A #cold rating is awarded for content heavy billboards in this age of digitalisation and the ongoing quest to appeal to consumer amongst all the clutter and replacement brands available.
