Saturday 31 December 2016

What is the health of your #brand in 2017...?

Gone are the days where brands used to create consumer needs.  Consumers today want more and they demand only the best.  Is your brand their preferred option of choice? Is your brand strong enough to adhere to these wants and demands (capacity)?

Because of these demands more brands will require protection from consumers…leading to a brand protection act...the consumer has become more powerful than ever.  This is also the time to consider collaboration with other brands and package more cleverly.  It’s not the size of your budget that will be a game changer, but your ability to influence, your creativity and brand relevance.  Are you able to keep up with the trends and demands of the market?  #Brandliquitity will become even more paramount.

Funky, fresh and new are #cool, but experience rule.  Don’t become a here today gone tomorrow brand.  Stay true to the essence of your brand but remain relevant.  A single-minded approach will sink your ship; your brand requires an integrated solution.  Incorporating Brand, Marketing and Communication interventions as a unit. Standalone efforts will leave you alone and at the back of the line. 

Data is king and expensive.  Will consumers engage with a brand that does not appeal to them?  The answer is no; and it will be reflected on your bottom line.  If you make a noise, they switch off and you lose your voice.  Simple as that!  A trend in 2016 come in the form of #insurance companies offering free airtime to arrange funerals.  It became so popular almost all of them are now offering free airtime; because of the demands of the market.

Again, there is no alternative to experience.  Make sure the composition of your teams includes both developed and developing talent.

Consumers today are educated and have access to more and bigger options.  Don’t allow your brand to be ridiculed and perceived to be desperate.  Your #reputation is crucial as your differentiator in this galaxy of noise and clutter. Allow your brand to rise above it all and lead the market.

Speak to all your stakeholders at once.  Customise your messaging to suit their requirements but don’t leave anyone in the dark.  Keep your message alive, not only during a crisis.  Be proactive, active and responsive.  Availability of your company representatives is not negotiable.  Make sure your employees are well trained and the #Ambassadors of your brand.  Empower them to own the brand and make it come alive at all touch points with the brand.  Partner with your stakeholders on this journey of #collaboration.

#Socialmedia are merely platforms/channels to engage and communicate.  Use it to your advantage and should not approached as the blueprint to your challenges and objectives.  Nothing replaces the basic principles and fundamentals of Brand, Marketing and Communication. 

We will also witness an increase of #socialmarketing initiatives.  Whereby consumers are educated and feel more involved with a brand, thereby enhancing loyalty and affinity. Consumers appreciate #socialmarketing interventions. Create that hashtag moment in 2017 and make a difference. 


Thursday 29 December 2016


Today I witnessed a moment of emancipation…I was paying for my items at a local convenience store and witnessed a young lady purchasing #condoms…two packs nogal.  It was not the number of packs she bought, but just the moment of realisation that this young lady is in control of her life and health-wellbeing, was a hashtag moment - #emancipation…the young lady deserves a #cool rating…it was #durex…

Wednesday 28 December 2016

#starwars #princesleia #cold rating

Capitalising on the death of someone to enhance the awareness and sales of your brand is cold, immature and short sighted…It is indeed the case of brand in the US, who have jumped on the death bandwagon when they produced an ad which was removed after a backlash from the market…
Carrie Fisher passed away on Tuesday at the age of 60; well known for her role as #PrincesLeia in #starwars…The death of Prince earlier this year had a similar opportunist…
The only rating suitable to be awarded is a #cold

Friday 23 December 2016

#socialmedia #editor

With the growth of social media everyone has become a journalist…we have witnessed how people have posted items & later regret what they have said & they want to recall their posting after a backlash…maybe it is time we learn to become our own editors & be more responsible when we post…

Monday 19 December 2016


Thank You….

We are requested daily to like a page or to share a posting…probably one of the biggest irritations ever.  Every now and again someone likes your page without any soliciting or special request.  This is the biggest compliment anyone can ask for when it occurs.  Thank you kindly for all your page likes in 2016 for Red Carpet Consulting…its appreciated with humility and gratitude...We can only grow from here. 

Excited, honoured, energised and looking forward to engaging with you in 2017. Hashtag thank you….

#2016 #cool and #cold experiences

2016 has been an interesting year for most of us.  We have witnessed some incredible events and milestones this year, which were memorable and worth mentioning.  There was the unpleasant experience at a car dealership (#cold) or excellent service at a retail store (#cool).  You might have seen an amazing ad on TV or heard on radio, which warmed your heart and you could relate (#cool).  And there were ads, which left you confused and not inspired (#cold).

Please share with us your #cool or #cold experience/s for 2016 as we end this year reflecting on what were our experiences worth sharing.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

#Personalbrand #Principles

2016 has been a challenging year for many.  This is the time of the year to reflect and take stock of the year that was, especially your professional career. 
Great opportunity to review the current state of your #PersonalBrand…you can only benefit from an exercise of this nature, to determine your readiness for 2017.