Wednesday 23 September 2015


It has to be said that all condom communication and advertising targeting males have been extremely successful.  The programmes were well received, executed and everywhere you go, there is a dispenser with free condoms.  The take-up of these free condoms differ between the metropolitan areas and the rural areas (assumption).  The assumption is based on conversations with young people over the past year and more.

Condoms are not a male decision only; females should have an equal saying in the matter when discussing readiness and the purchasing of the product.  The communication we have been exposed to have been targeting males as their primary audiences and not sufficient programmes to educate women about their rights.

A female whom I spoke to said she will not allow her partner to use free issued condoms.  When asked why?  “Hell now, was the reply. There were other more assertive females that will own the condom process and they call the shots and respect their bodies.

There is also a lack of education amongst the sales people who actually sell these condoms.  Their reaction and behaviour contribute to the uncomfortable purchasing experience of the consumer.  A male customer bought three condoms at a retail store.  He went back a week later.  The sales person recognised him asked the male customer are they finish already?

Another customer was asked in the presence of other patrons: “why do you buy small?”  He left the store without the merchandise.

The convenient stores at garages are the most preferred place to purchase condoms.  Some people prefer to travel to other neighbourhoods to avoid being recognised by someone in their area, scared their purchase might be noticeable.

A more mature male indicated that he never uses anything which is free.  Including condoms.
We should have a stakeholder approach when we educate, communicate and create awareness about the importance of condoms to help reduce the spread of all sexual transmitted diseases etc.

Let’s talk more about condoms…when you buy your mobile airtime, buy your condoms with confidence and ignore the uninformed glares and judgments; which will eventually become less should we apply a stakeholder approach.

Is there a stigma attached to condoms?....

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