Wednesday 25 November 2015

#Reputationmanagement and #Crisismanagement

Intense #reputationmanagement after the fact should be treated as #crisismanagement…scenario planning is useful to reduce the impact of the #crisismanagement phase.

Friday 20 November 2015


How important is product packaging in our world?  Does it influence your purchasing decisions and behaviour?  Packaging as a differentiator encapsulate the brand values, attention to detail, quality and personality of that particular brand. 

Do you think packaging is #cool or #cold?

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Monday 9 November 2015


Are brands extensions of our personalities and life-style choices?

Sunday 1 November 2015

#CellC new #commercial

Loving the new #CellC #commercial…It deserves a #cool rating without a doubt. Have you seen the commercial and do you agree with my rating?  Your experience might be #cold towards the #commercial…share your views or any other brand experiences you had lately…


Monday 26 October 2015

#Image Ad

How do you approach decisions regarding your image or reputation ad?…these ads are normally positioned to appeal to all your stakeholders…it is important to stay current, relevant, topical and in touch with the latest trends…the type of ads, which worked 10 years ago might not have the same impact and appeal to your stakeholders today…
In order to build a solid, trustworthy and respected brand reputation, ensure your image ad is scheduled systematically and not only when a crisis occurs

How do you approach decisions regarding your image or reputation ad?…these ads are normally positioned to appeal to all your stakeholders…it is important to stay current, relevant, topical and in touch with the latest trends…the type of ads which worked 10 years ago might not have the same impact and appeal to your stakeholders today…
In order to build a solid, trustworthy and respected brand reputation, ensure your image ad is scheduled systematically and not only when a crisis occurs

Wednesday 14 October 2015


Let’s assume that #females are more #brandloyal than #males…this is across brands.  So why do companies still apply a short-gun approach, when they want to encourage and achieve better #brandloyalty…how about focussing your efforts where you will get the best results and outcome…

Saturday 10 October 2015

Something to digest...

“It’s true, less will remain more and #quality will always enable the #conversation…”

Friday 9 October 2015

#Kids in #Commercials - #cool or #cold

How do you feel about #kids being used in #commercials?  Do you think it’s #cool for that cute factor or do you feel they should not appear in ads at all & receive therefore a #cold rating…

Monday 5 October 2015

#Volkswagen Revelations -#cool or #cold

How do you feel about the revelations of the fraudulent business decisions/actions of Volkswagen?  Do you think it’s #cool that they are exposed; or are you #cold, because it does not affect you?

Friday 25 September 2015

#Imagine a world without #socialmedia…

Especially in the #Brand, #Marketing and #Communication specialist areas…the status of these #socialmedia platforms have increased significantly; and is now almost applied as the blue-prints and solutions to help companies achieve their #Brand, #Marketing, #Reputation and #Communication objectives…

Wednesday 23 September 2015


It has to be said that all condom communication and advertising targeting males have been extremely successful.  The programmes were well received, executed and everywhere you go, there is a dispenser with free condoms.  The take-up of these free condoms differ between the metropolitan areas and the rural areas (assumption).  The assumption is based on conversations with young people over the past year and more.

Condoms are not a male decision only; females should have an equal saying in the matter when discussing readiness and the purchasing of the product.  The communication we have been exposed to have been targeting males as their primary audiences and not sufficient programmes to educate women about their rights.

A female whom I spoke to said she will not allow her partner to use free issued condoms.  When asked why?  “Hell now, was the reply. There were other more assertive females that will own the condom process and they call the shots and respect their bodies.

There is also a lack of education amongst the sales people who actually sell these condoms.  Their reaction and behaviour contribute to the uncomfortable purchasing experience of the consumer.  A male customer bought three condoms at a retail store.  He went back a week later.  The sales person recognised him asked the male customer are they finish already?

Another customer was asked in the presence of other patrons: “why do you buy small?”  He left the store without the merchandise.

The convenient stores at garages are the most preferred place to purchase condoms.  Some people prefer to travel to other neighbourhoods to avoid being recognised by someone in their area, scared their purchase might be noticeable.

A more mature male indicated that he never uses anything which is free.  Including condoms.
We should have a stakeholder approach when we educate, communicate and create awareness about the importance of condoms to help reduce the spread of all sexual transmitted diseases etc.

Let’s talk more about condoms…when you buy your mobile airtime, buy your condoms with confidence and ignore the uninformed glares and judgments; which will eventually become less should we apply a stakeholder approach.

Is there a stigma attached to condoms?....

Wednesday 12 August 2015

#windows recycle bin vs. trash folder

Many years ago when #windows was introduced they had a #recycle bin…now when you delete items it goes to #trash. Still trying to get used to the trash folder, especially if it’s not how we talk…trash is reserved and used sparingly…

Do you think #trash is #cool or #cold?

Saturday 1 August 2015

#Brands and #Branding in this competitive global market

If ever there was a time, when #brands and #branding were approached, managed and valued as enablers to your #business…it’s now!  Ensure the liquidity of your brand, to remain current, relevant and aspirational to all your stakeholders.

#cool or #cold commercial rating

A friend of mine forwarded me a copy of the latest Cell C commercial, before it was aired on TV.  Although progressive and able to capture how most consumers feel about service providers in general.  My instinct told me that our society is not ready for that kind of commercial.  As a society, we are mostly liberal conservatives (generalisation). 

Do you think the Cell C ad with the dog is #cool or #cold?  Please share your thoughts and views by rating it as #cool or #cold.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

#Coke billboard receives a #cool rating

A successful billboard is one with a simplistic yet effective, impactful and memorable message…#Coke has recently produced a Ramadan message for all our Muslim citizens on a digital billboard between the Grayston and Malboro off-ramps on your way to Pretoria…it deserves a definite #cool rating for being so consistent and strategic…

Share your #cool or #cold brand experiences…you whisper and the brands will listen…

#something to digest

“You shouldn’t focus on why you can’t do something, which is what most people do. You should focus on why perhaps you can, and be one of the exceptions.” - Steve Case, co-founder of AOL.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

teach your #brand #discipline

How do you teach your #brand discipline…you manage its behaviour, engagements, activities, position, approach and presence by means of #Alignment of all your activities to your business objectives, #Consistency in the application of your #brand at all touch-points and #Clarity of what your brand stands for, represent and value in the mind of the consumer….it will contribute tremendously to the #equity of your #brand…


Tuesday 30 June 2015

#Essence of your #Personalbrand...

#railway line the oldest #segmentation tool...

The railway line probably gave birth to #segmentation of a market…all depends, which side of the line you stay; products and services will be offered to you in accordance…

Tuesday 23 June 2015

#masterbrand, #employeebrand and #cultureprogramme

Why have a #masterbrand, #employeebrand and #cultureprogramme?  You need only focus on your #brand, which encapsulate all these initiatives & bring them alive consistently at all your brand touch-points, aligned to overall objectives & applied consistently

Saturday 20 June 2015

#Leader or a #Manager...#PersonalBrand Audit


Do you perceive yourself as respected Leader, but your peers and direct reports experience you as a Manager?  Maybe it’s time for the all-important #PersonalBrand Assessment…

Friday 19 June 2015

#Celebrity Endorsements

Over the years we have witnessed how certain #brands incorporate celebrities and sportsmen to boost their products/services by endorsing their particular #brand….do you think #celebrity endorsements are #cool or #cold…?

Thursday 18 June 2015

#BrandedBaby...#cool or #cold

They start them young…do you think this #brandedbaby ad is #cool or #cold…?

Tuesday 16 June 2015

#16June1976 Uprising Image

This ad appeared today in various media…it’s an attempt to evolve the narrative of the #June16 1976 uprising…Do you think this revised image of that historic day is #cool or #cold…share your rating with us.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

#Appletiser’s #Twitter campaign tried so hard to be #cool and left so many people #cold…

I have always been a big fan of Appletiser.  Their ads always burst with sophistication, progressiveness, style, aspiration and ahead of the pack…I’m one of those people who silently became #brandadvocate for them…their unfortunate #Twitter campaign tried so hard to be #cool and left so many people #cold…but I am confident that they will recover and restore their #reputation, the way they know best….
Rate the campaign as #cool or #cold…

Monday 1 June 2015

#FIFA Reputation Damaging Publicity...#Cool or #Cold

The recent negative publicity involving #FIFA has been less than pleasant for all concerned. Dominating not only the global media, but also dragged #RSA into the stew of unpleasantness.  Will #FIFA be able to survive this tsunami of negative publicity or have their lost public sentiment without any possibility of #reputation recovery?

Some corners felt the #sponsors of #FIFA should have been more vocal and expressed their dissatisfaction with stronger intent.  Is this at all possible?  Can you imagine a #FIFA without it sponsors? 

#Football without #sponsors in your view would be #cool or #cold…share your #cool or #cold rating on the matter…

Thursday 28 May 2015

rebirth of the #vinyl...#cool or #cold

We have experienced and witnessed the trendy technology rebirth of the #vinyl… Do you think the popular return of the #vinyl is #cool or #cold?


Wednesday 27 May 2015

#Cool or #Cold #Brandexperiences Rating

Don’t forget to express your views and share with us your #brandexperiences as either #cool or #cold…What are your views about the commercial attached…
How do you rate the following commercial; #cool or #cold?

Saturday 23 May 2015

Rate your #Brandexperiences as #Cool or #Cold

Did you know…? You can now rate and share your brand experiences with us and your social network…your brand experience rating can be either #cool (great, excellent, highly recommended) or #cold (bad, undesirable, avoid)…including commercials you have seen, heard or experienced! Have fun and share your experiences today…you whisper we listen!
How do you rate the following commercial; #cool or #cold?


Have you considered the impact and implications of a #Socialmedia mishap on your #PersonalBrand?

Friday 22 May 2015

#PublicRelations vs. #StakeholderEngagement Model

We operate in a world where the one-dimensional approach to business/commerce  no longer applies and can lead to your organisation becoming irrelevant and pedestrian…hence the question whether #PublicRelations is still relevant in this modern era or do we rather apply a #Stakeholder Engagement Model?

Monday 18 May 2015

#Corporate Social Responsive-ability (CSR)

The ability of #corporations to respond effectively to the #social challenges and imbalances, faced by communities in the areas of their operations…#responsive vs #responsibility…

Tuesday 5 May 2015


The #credibility of the messenger, determines the outcome of your #message…
Take into consideration the power of #perceptions and #reputation…


Monday 20 April 2015

Social Influence and Change Behaviour Projects VS Social Influence and Change Behaviour Programmes

Decision time; do you launch a programme as a catalyst for social change and behaviour or will your approach be a once-off project?  These decisions are influenced by the stated objectives and the topic under discussion.

Projects normally, have a start date and an ideal end date with various interdependent functions, budgets, resources and deliverables.  Diverse skills sets are required to enable these projects to ensure delivery within the specified time.

Over the years we have witnessed, experienced and got to know various initiatives geared towards altering, sensitising and changing the behaviour of citizens to address social challenges.  Great initiatives, some seasonal, occasional and once-off. The success rate and outcomes of these initiatives delivered mixed results opening the door for the critics to have their say.

Change in behaviour requires the intended message to target the correct audience, able to persuade and convince them the proposed change in behaviour is in their best interest and their fellow citizens.  Always test whether the message is Clear, Simplistic, Consistent, Aligned and able to be Sustained beyond the intended project period.

Planning is crucial for any initiative to succeed.  In the world of Marketing, Brand and Communication it involves, pre-, during and post the initiative planning to achieve the best possible results and outcomes.  When launching an initiative, which of these phases are allocated the biggest slice of the budget? An even spread of your resources during each of phases should be considered. 

Some projects create incredible hype during their launch phase, followed by less extravagant toned down activities.   In short, the project message and awareness drive are not well sustained beyond the event launch and becomes an anti-climax.  The post event phase is crucial to keep the message alive, ultimately to install social change behaviour. 

Ensure you maintain your presence and stay top of mind by keeping your audience engaged. To iterate, projects have specific deliverables with end dates; these characteristic impacts on your ability to keep the message alive.  Your budget and resources have been allocated for a specific period etc.  Projects are able to create awareness and get your message across as planned.  Is it the right vehicle to deliver on your objectives to change social behaviour?   Let’s move beyond the project mind-set and approach in our thinking for initiatives of this nature. 

Programmes are designed with the future in mind.  It enables initiatives and provide the ideal platform to keep your message alive beyond the launch phase. A well planned and designed programme has the ability to be integrated and work with other programmes with similar agendas.  Programmes have longer shelf lives, reachability, stretch and marketability.

Your programme should have dedicated resources who are primarily responsible for the initiative.  Annual budget allocation, creative, but simplistic messaging to stimulate change and provide on-going feedback to your target audience. To ensure they understand, own and feel part of the programme.  It’s more than your change message.  How it is conveyed is crucial and by who.  The frequency will determine impact and successful outcome.  Programmes deliver better results…

Thursday 12 March 2015

#PersonalBranding and Personal Grooming

Personal Grooming & Image does not equate to #PersonalBranding.  #PersonalBranding is a systematic, planned and strategically managed process, ideally, owned by the individual as part of his/her journey.  Personal Grooming & Image are all about styling and being fashionable.  There is an element of image/grooming, which forms part of your #PersonalBrand, but these two functions are not synonymous.  Outsourcing the management of your #PersonalBrand brings with it certain risks and implications.  Become the steward of your #PersonalBrand today and own the management of the strategic systematic process.

Thursday 8 January 2015


Is your Reputation more likely to be adversely affected if you operate in the service industry?