Friday 31 October 2014

#Social Media Blunders and Your #Reputation...

How do you deal with controversial social media postings, naively published by senior company executives...the postings expand and they go viral; end result - negative impact on your #Reputation?  Unfortunately these individuals thought their postings were innocent, fun and harmless in a controlled environment…

Tuesday 28 October 2014

#PR vs. #Stakeholder Engagement Management

#Public Relations vs. #Stakeholder Engagement Management…which model have you adopted?

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Bad #Publicity vs. #Legacy

Some believe there is no such thing as bad #publicity…bad publicity, eventually becomes part of your #legacy…an undesirable legacy position is probably one of the biggest #reputational challenges to address for any company, irrespective of the size of the business…You decide what kind of publicity you prefer


Become a #tourist in your own country and discover the gems your country has to offer…#ZA

Sunday 19 October 2014

#SocialMedia #Trend

Trend of #socialmedia becoming #laundromatmedia is reaching new heights.  From ordinary people including celebrities, all using it to air dirty laundry in public with a vengeance.

Thursday 16 October 2014

#Personal Quote

“Every setback can be an opportunity to kick start something bigger and better…”


#Reputation Management Speaking Engagement

This note of gratitude, honour and humility is intended for the Team at #IIR SA for the speaking engagement opportunity on Monday (13/10/12) at your Annual #Governance Conference in Johannesburg.  Great audience, who made the occasion even more memorable during my session with their active participation. It is pleasing to know that more emphasis is being placed on Reputation Management…and the topic #Reputational Risk in a Social Media Era was fitting and well received!

“Your reputation is a license to operate”!

Much appreciated…

Sunday 12 October 2014

#Reputation Management Quote

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.”

Warren Buffett

Current Reality:
It actually takes a few seconds, made possible by the unprecedented social media phenomena

Thursday 18 September 2014

#Personal Branding Quote

Your brand is a gateway to your true work. You know you are here to do something – to create something or help others in some way. The question is, how can you set up your life and work so that you can do it? The answer lies in your brand. When you create a compelling brand you attract people who want the promise of your brand – which you deliver.

Dave Buck



Thursday 11 September 2014

Saturday 6 September 2014


All of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You. 

- Tom Peters in Fast Company

Saturday 30 August 2014


“Your #brand is your #business and your business is your brand”

MG Pearce

Friday 22 August 2014

Just a #thought...

What is the impact of the #electronic leashes in your life on your daily existence….?

Tuesday 5 August 2014


This morning in my rush to be on time for my students where I lecture Brand Management twice a week, I encountered a refreshing Leadership 101 experience.  With a few minutes to spare and the students still outside, I was setting up the equipment to be ready when they enter the lecture room…

At one stage I had to connect my laptop to the power supply; which forms part of my daily routine.  Today, while I was bending over to enable the connection, the pressure was way too much for my suit pants.  Within seconds the empty lecture room echoed that familiar, embarrassing, tearing pants sound and I felt a mild breeze almost instantly.

I started laughing uncontrollably with my elbows on my thighs in an attempt to maintain my balance.  The laughter paralysed my movement for a few seconds, which felt like an entirety.   Eventually, I regained my composure, just in-time, because the students were slowly entering the room.

My spontaneous reaction, to my surprise, was to share the embarrassing moment with my students; their reaction after sharing, can only be described as unexpected.  After a quick chuckle they gave me permission to keep my jacket on; the lecture continued without any further wardrobe malfunctions.  So, the incident did not consume any unnecessary energy or possible stress of the underwear becoming outerwear.

The flipchart activities where carefully planned to avoid movements where my back is turned towards the students.  Nogal effortless!

Instead of over-reacting by elevating the incident into a crises, my decision to be upfront with the students, affirmed what we all knew; incidents such as this, occur almost every day; most importantly, it is not such a big deal.  Honesty has no substitute…

Eight years ago my reaction would have been different…

If someone asked me today how are you doing, my response in Afrikaans would have been: “dit gaan broekskeer”.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

#Brand Quote - #Transformation Aspirations

To add:
Your brand will benefit more, if your approach makes provision for all your Stakeholders including your customers as highlighted…furthermore, your transformation aspirations must be Aligned to your business objectives, applied Consistently within the company by means of articulating your intention to become a socially responsible leader on-going, with Clarity, ….as a strategic imperative!


Sunday 27 July 2014

#Commonwealth Games Kind to #Sponsors

The #Commonwealth Games in #Glasgow is really refreshing and colourful.  Especially, if you are a #sponsor. All #sponsors dream of being visible and receive valuable airtime during the broadcast of an event or sports gathering.  The #Glasgow event has been very generous to the sponsors so far. Coverage like this will encourage sponsors to continue to sponsor events of this nature….Well done #TeamSouthAfrica!

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Creative Masterpiece Ineffective Engagement Tool


#FIFA World Cup Trivia

Did You Know…?

The last time a #FIFA World Cup host nation won the tournament was in 1998.  #France hosted the event, which they won.  #Germany and #RSA know the feeling. #Brazil you have been excellent hosts.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Will the #Swiss precision become a #Messi affair?

Will #Lionel turn the #Swiss precision into a #Messi affair, this evening in their #WorldCup clash?
Let’s hope for a decisive outcome after 90 min; to avoid the dreaded penalties.

Sunday 29 June 2014

#FIFA to consider Alternatives for Penalty Shootouts

Do you believe penalty shootouts are the best way to determine the outcome of a match?
Pressure on the goal-keeper & the players (penalty takers). 
Are there alternatives for #FIFA to consider?

Wednesday 25 June 2014

#FIFA's Anti-Racism Position...

Over the years we have seen sporadic and isolated incidents of racism in football.  #FIFA the governing body introduced Article 3, which clearly outlines its commitment to eradicate the sport from any form of discrimination against a country, individual or group of people based on their race, skin colour, gender, political opinion, sexual orientation or wealth, birth and other status etc…

How do we eliminate discrimination and bullying in football?  A good place to start is at home, family networks, our schools and most definitely at community level.  The fact is, the problem is bigger than football.  More sporting bodies should articulate their uncompromising position with regards to discrimination and bullying.  We have witnessed or heard about the ability of sports to unify people, diverse groupings and countries despite the perceive differences, which might be prevalent.  How do you sustain this unifying ability, beyond the sporting events?

The #FIFA 2014 World Cup in #Brazil have delivered some amazing football.  Most of the crowds at the various stadiums were sitting on the edge of their seats with excitement, anticipation and absorbed by the quality football entertainment.  Their reactions can only be described as “male-biting”, apology, nail-biting. 

The question now is, how this unfortunate incident (male-biting), which occurred during the tournament, in full view of millions across the globe; be leveraged by #FIFA as an example of its intent to rid the game of individuals, teams, or nations who are bringing the sport into disrepute.

Well done to #Brazil…you have been great hosts this far!

© Getty Images

Tuesday 24 June 2014

#Brand Quote

“Your Brand should be central to everything you do...ensure it remains current, relevant, and aspirational with liquidity characteristics to inspire & appeal to all your Stakeholders, beyond today”


Friday 20 June 2014

#FIFA World Cup Trivia


#Uruguay won the inaugural #FIFA World Cup Tournament in 1930; their 2nd tournament win was in 1950; they have been in pursuit of glory ever since. Will 2014 be the year for the South Americans to once again be victorious?

#Chile, #Columbia & #Mexico are undeniably displaying their intent and hunger to engrave their names on the winner’s trophy…watch this space!

Thursday 19 June 2014

#FIFA World Cup Trivia...

Did you know?

#Germany finished 3rd in the last two #FIFA World Cup Tournaments.  Will this be their victory year?
Chile is heating up the tournament…

Thursday 12 June 2014

Silence your critic's #Brazil...

Ola #Brazilians, wishing you all the best as host for the #2014FIFAWorldCup Tournament.  With only a few hours 2 go, to kick-off; forget about all the challenges & unfavourable media coverage. You are already Winners & should be Proud of your achievements, as a truly football nation!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

#Markex 2014 Speaking Engagement

I am really blessed, humbled and grateful to Riana Prins and IMM for affording me
the opportunity to be a speaker at the annual #Markex event on Thursday, June 14 2014. There are two spots, with different topics on the programme for my sessions.  First session starts at 1230-1300, 2nd session starts @ 1330-1400. Opportunities such as this are greatly appreciated, ideas sharing/debate platforms, personal development and always welcome. Hope to see you there at the Sandton Convention.

Brand Equity as Business Imperative

Why is Brand Equity important, mostly misunderstood and not very topical?  Some Fortune 500 companies have in recent years introduced brand valuation research in their organisations.  The surveyed value findings, are ultimately reflected as goodwill on their balance sheets.  More prominent coverage has been afforded to the various annual Top Global Brands rankings, which are brand value based.  Technology brands dominate the higher rankings and have become the top overall performers in many of these surveys.  In the past, consumer brands like Coca Cola dominated the top spots.
Is there a single universal methodology to measure brand value?  One can understand the researchers in this specialist field operate in a highly competitive and lucrative environment; not all methodologies are available for public consumption. Accountants apply their own methodology when determining brand value as discovered.  In most cases the findings of the valuation exercise exceeds Client expectations. It occurs naturally, when introduced for the first time by a brand to determine its value.  Brand and Marketing professionals should consider reviewing the value of their brands at least once every three years, initially.  Annual measurement provides companies with a clear indication whether their strategies managed to deliver on their stated objectives.  A comprehensive study unpacks and simplify all the brand equity elements; highlighting their value contribution percentage.  
Next step is to communicate the valuation findings to as many key stakeholders as possible.  Your Board should be your primary target audience when the findings are communicated and presented.  Ensure your translation simplify the findings, pitched strategically; your end-goal to achieve majority support, understanding and appreciation for your brand and its value as a business imperative.  Inspire and influence your Board to become champions/advocates of the Brand; remain top of mind, especially during business re-engineering considerations. Define, outline and explain the medium to long term pragmatic interventions, geared towards achieving annual brand value growth. Brand Equity considerations become more prominent when growth strategies options are considered, like mergers and acquisitions.  Brand valuation surveys are no longer “a-nice-to-have”; critical to know the value of your Brand.
The model as seen above has been designed to capture and articulate all the brand elements, which contributes to the equity and ultimate value of a brand.
Most Brand Navigators expect clearly defined actions and behaviour from their Employees. These actions and behaviours are intended to achieve positive and beneficial outcomes for their brands.  Strive towards Clarity of what your expectations are, which will result in Consistency in their actions/behaviour, Aligned to your Brand Objectives.
To conclude; in order to manage your Brand Equity better, develop Brand Equity Goals, which are monitored and measured.



Sunday 8 June 2014

Companies unable to strategically manage their brands allow their protractors to do so on their behalf; with lasting undesirable consequences. We passionately understand, with tangible results & appreciate the complex nature of an Integrated Brand Management Discipline, beyond Product, Price, Promotion & Place.

Brandplus (+) and Brandminus (-) Experiences

Share with us your Brandplus (+) or Brandminus (-) experience the past week.  Support your rating experience with a brief summary. Service remains the difference!

Brand Experiences Impacts Reputation

Brand Experiences Impacts Reputation


In this modern day of commerce, some corporates are still faced with uncertainty of where to host their Reputation Management function within their companies.  Do you group the function as part of Communication or does it reside under your Brand Management portfolio? In short, your Brand is central to everything that you do as a business.  Brand, Communication and Reputation Management are integrated and interdependent; and should always be appreciated, managed and approached as a collective.  For example - Consumers and Investors, are attracted, inspired and influenced by the reputation and performance of your brand when they purchase your product/shares.  A positive and differentiating brand reputation, if strategically communicated, result in the brand’s top of mind awareness. Crucial to be sustained and enhanced with all your Stakeholders as a business imperative.

So what are these brand experiences, which have a direct impact on your reputation?  Service without a doubt is a differentiator and reputation indicator/influencer. Some brands are known for their bad service reputation; consumers avoid them, because they expect value for money, coupled with experience enhancing service engagements. Your Moment of Truth with a brand alters your perception about that particular brand.  It ultimately result in you sharing your (brand+/ brand-) experiences, with your network via social media channels and personal engagements.

Advertising and Public Relations (PR) as brand experiences are difficult to avoid as reputation indicators/influencers.  There are well known recorded instances where brands over-promised or conveyed factually incorrect information about the product/service they offer.  The acid test or tipping point is captured in how they deal with this challenge, which has been created by the unfortunate commercial.  Will they be labelled as spin doctors, or will their PR engine effectively manage the situation, which ensure they gain trust, respect and admiration from all their Stakeholders?  You decide…

Assuming in most companies over the years we experienced, witnessed, admired or activated Corporate Social Investment (CSI) initiatives as strategic positioning tools or a social responsibility obligations.   Old school/economy and new school/economy value systems, normally determine how organisations approach their CSI function.  Some organisations are reluctant to talk about their investments in communities and manage their programmes similar to philanthropy principles.  Stakeholders today are advocates interested in active community upliftment initiatives by organisations, which influence their perceptions about your brand. You want them to become your Brand Advocates because of their influence within communities and their personal and business networks.

Henry Ford said: “You can’t build a reputation on what you are planning to do”.

The same applies to sponsorships.  The type of sponsorship properties that you support or associate your brand with, might not appeal to all your Stakeholders.  Especially, when a brand decides to endorse an individual.  This is probably the one area to be avoided due to the unpredictable nature of human behaviour.  Their actions impact on your reputation directly.

Your employees are your brand and the success/failure of your brand is determined by them as enablers.   Never underestimate the importance of a robust, sustained, flexible and a simplistic brand internalisation programme, capable of creating passionate brand ambassadors. These Ambassadors embrace ownership, they are sensitive to behaviour which impacts the brand negatively and able to translate, articulate and bring the personality, values, essence and brand promise alive at all your touch points with the brand.  Their actions are Aligned, Consistent and executed with Clarity in as far as what the brand stand for and represents.  New Economy Employees wants more from their Employers; money as a motivator, no longer occupy the first three positions to motivate your Employees.  A sense of belonging, a conducive working environment where their contributions are valued, most importantly they can relate and support the values and responsible business practices of the organisation where they are employed. How you manage diversity in the workplace is becoming increasingly important and will determine whether you able to attract the best talent.

The reality is unhappy Employees are incapable of delivering on their mandate as Brand Ambassadors, resulting in unpleasant brand experiences which are shared with others instantly and without consideration.  Sentiment towards your brand is immediately negatively affected.

Legacy and historical unfavourable brand experiences are two of the biggest challenges brands have to deal with in their attempts to positively enhance their reputation.  This phenomena has been present since the birth of commence, the appreciation and the importance of brands. These experiences surface unexpectedly in cycles, forcing companies to take up a defence position when they appear.  During a crisis ensure proper, effective and responsible management of the situation to avoid negative comebacks, which ultimately become your legacy.  Stakeholders will always refer to the legacy and history of the brand/company.  Always strive towards positive and favourable perceptions to become their meaningful reference when your brand is mentioned.