Wednesday 9 August 2017

#action your #goals...

Having a #plan of #action to achieve your #goals…


Friday 4 August 2017

Content Heavy #Billboards

Normally, billboards forms part of an integrated communications solutions for well deliberated campaigns and projects.  A #billboard on its own is not always effective if your objectives are to bring about change, create increased awareness of your brand/product or influence consumers to take action.  

One still find billboards next to our national and suburban roads, which are content heavy and readability is a challenge.  These content heavy billboards are not just ineffective; they also present a safety risk for motorists who are trying to read these messages.  In the end , motorist are the ones being targeted while driving, but unfortunately the outcomes are missed opportunities and distortion of your brand just to name a couple…

A #cold rating is awarded for content heavy billboards in this age of digitalisation and the ongoing quest to appeal to consumer amongst all the clutter and replacement brands available.
