Tuesday 27 September 2016


Just a thought…

Why is it important to revitalise your #brandlogo and corporate colours?  How important is it to the consumer?  Do they care about a fresh new look?  How about investing more money on employee training and development? Consider enhancing your customer experience? Your employees are your brand.  They bring the personality, the values, the vision, aspiration, the promise and ideals of the brand alive. Including its #reputation.  Ideally at all touch points, when consumers and other stakeholders engage with your brand…Look beyond the here and now of your #brandlogo.  It should have longevity to hold its own for generations to come…

Wednesday 21 September 2016

The future of #voice-messages

How many people you know, still leave a voice-message?  Do you listen to your voice-messages?  Are we seeing the gradual disappearance of this service?  People are more inclined to text instead of leaving a message…remember what happened to the standalone fax machine.

#Standardbank and their new image commercial..#cool rating

Just love the new #StandardBank image commercial.  High-tech, futuristic including the diverse human element.  Great balance of variables.  They definitely deserve a #cool rating for their final product. Well done to the #team.  There is movement forward.