Monday 26 October 2015

#Image Ad

How do you approach decisions regarding your image or reputation ad?…these ads are normally positioned to appeal to all your stakeholders…it is important to stay current, relevant, topical and in touch with the latest trends…the type of ads, which worked 10 years ago might not have the same impact and appeal to your stakeholders today…
In order to build a solid, trustworthy and respected brand reputation, ensure your image ad is scheduled systematically and not only when a crisis occurs

How do you approach decisions regarding your image or reputation ad?…these ads are normally positioned to appeal to all your stakeholders…it is important to stay current, relevant, topical and in touch with the latest trends…the type of ads which worked 10 years ago might not have the same impact and appeal to your stakeholders today…
In order to build a solid, trustworthy and respected brand reputation, ensure your image ad is scheduled systematically and not only when a crisis occurs

Wednesday 14 October 2015


Let’s assume that #females are more #brandloyal than #males…this is across brands.  So why do companies still apply a short-gun approach, when they want to encourage and achieve better #brandloyalty…how about focussing your efforts where you will get the best results and outcome…

Saturday 10 October 2015

Something to digest...

“It’s true, less will remain more and #quality will always enable the #conversation…”

Friday 9 October 2015

#Kids in #Commercials - #cool or #cold

How do you feel about #kids being used in #commercials?  Do you think it’s #cool for that cute factor or do you feel they should not appear in ads at all & receive therefore a #cold rating…

Monday 5 October 2015

#Volkswagen Revelations -#cool or #cold

How do you feel about the revelations of the fraudulent business decisions/actions of Volkswagen?  Do you think it’s #cool that they are exposed; or are you #cold, because it does not affect you?