Thursday 28 May 2015

rebirth of the #vinyl...#cool or #cold

We have experienced and witnessed the trendy technology rebirth of the #vinyl… Do you think the popular return of the #vinyl is #cool or #cold?


Wednesday 27 May 2015

#Cool or #Cold #Brandexperiences Rating

Don’t forget to express your views and share with us your #brandexperiences as either #cool or #cold…What are your views about the commercial attached…
How do you rate the following commercial; #cool or #cold?

Saturday 23 May 2015

Rate your #Brandexperiences as #Cool or #Cold

Did you know…? You can now rate and share your brand experiences with us and your social network…your brand experience rating can be either #cool (great, excellent, highly recommended) or #cold (bad, undesirable, avoid)…including commercials you have seen, heard or experienced! Have fun and share your experiences today…you whisper we listen!
How do you rate the following commercial; #cool or #cold?


Have you considered the impact and implications of a #Socialmedia mishap on your #PersonalBrand?

Friday 22 May 2015

#PublicRelations vs. #StakeholderEngagement Model

We operate in a world where the one-dimensional approach to business/commerce  no longer applies and can lead to your organisation becoming irrelevant and pedestrian…hence the question whether #PublicRelations is still relevant in this modern era or do we rather apply a #Stakeholder Engagement Model?

Monday 18 May 2015

#Corporate Social Responsive-ability (CSR)

The ability of #corporations to respond effectively to the #social challenges and imbalances, faced by communities in the areas of their operations…#responsive vs #responsibility…

Tuesday 5 May 2015


The #credibility of the messenger, determines the outcome of your #message…
Take into consideration the power of #perceptions and #reputation…