Monday 20 April 2015

Social Influence and Change Behaviour Projects VS Social Influence and Change Behaviour Programmes

Decision time; do you launch a programme as a catalyst for social change and behaviour or will your approach be a once-off project?  These decisions are influenced by the stated objectives and the topic under discussion.

Projects normally, have a start date and an ideal end date with various interdependent functions, budgets, resources and deliverables.  Diverse skills sets are required to enable these projects to ensure delivery within the specified time.

Over the years we have witnessed, experienced and got to know various initiatives geared towards altering, sensitising and changing the behaviour of citizens to address social challenges.  Great initiatives, some seasonal, occasional and once-off. The success rate and outcomes of these initiatives delivered mixed results opening the door for the critics to have their say.

Change in behaviour requires the intended message to target the correct audience, able to persuade and convince them the proposed change in behaviour is in their best interest and their fellow citizens.  Always test whether the message is Clear, Simplistic, Consistent, Aligned and able to be Sustained beyond the intended project period.

Planning is crucial for any initiative to succeed.  In the world of Marketing, Brand and Communication it involves, pre-, during and post the initiative planning to achieve the best possible results and outcomes.  When launching an initiative, which of these phases are allocated the biggest slice of the budget? An even spread of your resources during each of phases should be considered. 

Some projects create incredible hype during their launch phase, followed by less extravagant toned down activities.   In short, the project message and awareness drive are not well sustained beyond the event launch and becomes an anti-climax.  The post event phase is crucial to keep the message alive, ultimately to install social change behaviour. 

Ensure you maintain your presence and stay top of mind by keeping your audience engaged. To iterate, projects have specific deliverables with end dates; these characteristic impacts on your ability to keep the message alive.  Your budget and resources have been allocated for a specific period etc.  Projects are able to create awareness and get your message across as planned.  Is it the right vehicle to deliver on your objectives to change social behaviour?   Let’s move beyond the project mind-set and approach in our thinking for initiatives of this nature. 

Programmes are designed with the future in mind.  It enables initiatives and provide the ideal platform to keep your message alive beyond the launch phase. A well planned and designed programme has the ability to be integrated and work with other programmes with similar agendas.  Programmes have longer shelf lives, reachability, stretch and marketability.

Your programme should have dedicated resources who are primarily responsible for the initiative.  Annual budget allocation, creative, but simplistic messaging to stimulate change and provide on-going feedback to your target audience. To ensure they understand, own and feel part of the programme.  It’s more than your change message.  How it is conveyed is crucial and by who.  The frequency will determine impact and successful outcome.  Programmes deliver better results…